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Domain's renewal

The system for registration of domains will send a message (reminder) 30 days before the expiry date of your domain.

The registrant submit a request for renewal of the domain to the Registrar in a period of 15 days before the expiration period, at the following address: registracija@domains.mk.

If the domain is not renewal to the latest date for registration, the Registrar have the right to ban and protect the certain domain for the period of 120 days. In this period all information and date cannot be changed.

If there is no request for the renewal of the domain in the first 60 days of the period, the domain will be erased from the .mk zone, but can't be registered by other Registrar.

After the expiration of the second 60 days from the protected per (or totally 120) the domain will be erased and can be registry again by another registrant.

If you want to update the domain, you will need to complete transactions for renewal of the domain.

If you want to update the domain will need to complete transactions.



b. By bank transaction.   Price List

    Bank Accounts:

    • Account number: 200000022953393 – Stopanska banka AD Skopje
    • Account number: 300000002384393 - Komercijalna banka AD Skopje

    Notice: After the payment, fill the domain application and the copy of the payment send to: registracija@domains.mk.